
The purpose of the ISCL is to encourage the comparative study of law and legal systems and to seek affiliation with individuals and organisations with complimentary aims. We were established in June 2008 and are recognised by the International Academy of Comparative Law.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The purpose of the Irish Society of Comparative Law is to encourage the comparative study of law and legal systems and to seek affiliation with individuals and organisations with complimentary aims. We were established in June 2008, and are recognised by the International Academy of Comparative Law.

ISCL Executive Council members:
President: Professor Brice Dickson (Queen's University Belfast)
Vice-President: Dr Sean Patrick Donlan (University of Limerick)
Secretary: Dr Benedicte Sage-Fuller (University College Cork)
Treasurer: Dr Marie-Luce Paris-Dobozy (University College Dublin)

ISCL National Committee for the Republic of Ireland:
Dr Sean Patrick Donlan (University of Limerick)
Larry Donnelly (National University of Ireland, Galway)
Eoin O'Dell (Trinity College Dublin)
Dr Marie-Luce Paris-Dobozy (University College Dublin)
Dr Benedicte Sage-Fuller (University College Cork)

Individuals interested in membership should contact Dr Sage-Fuller (b.sage@ucc.ie).