
The purpose of the ISCL is to encourage the comparative study of law and legal systems and to seek affiliation with individuals and organisations with complimentary aims. We were established in June 2008 and are recognised by the International Academy of Comparative Law.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Private Legal Transplants: Bright and dark nature of an unnoticed phenomenon

"Only a few months ago, the social image of prom­in­ent transna­tional enter­prises such as Apple and HP was threatened by media report­ing sev­eral viol­a­tions of labor rights by Fox­conn, the main con­tract man­u­fac­turer for elec­tron­ics com­pan­ies such as these, and which is loc­ated in the People’s Repub­lic of China ..." (more)

[Tomaso Ferando, Critical Legal Thinking, 28 May 2012]